Everyone knows that when two people meet in the street or on a train, the first thing they talk about is the weather. They say things like "It's turned out nice again, hasn't it?" or "Not too bad for the time of year, is it?"I never used to understand why they were so interested in such a boring subject until I'd been living here for a couple of months.It was a day in July last year - July is supposed to be the height of the British summer - I remember the day really well. I got up at the usual time to go to the university - it was a bright, sunny morning, actually quite warm for Britain - so I wore my T-shirt, my oldest jeans and a pair of open sandals. To be on the safe side, I also took a thin pullover just in case it turned chilly in the evening.On the way to the university the wind got up, then it suddenly clouded over, went really dark and began to rain. I wasn't just a gentle shower - it was a real downpour. Okay, so everyone knows it rains a lot in Britain, but that's not the end of the story.Ten minutes later, I looked out of the window again and I couldn't believe it - the rain had turned to snow. By two o'clock in the afternoon it felt like mid-December. People decided to leave their cars at work and walk home instead because they didn't want to have an accident or get stuck in the snow. I wondered how on earth I was going to manage in just my T-shirt and pullover. As it turned out, I needn’t have worried - almost as quickly the weather changed again. By 4 o'clock it was really warm and I had to take my pullover off.So that's the answer - everyone talks about British weather because it's so unpredictable. The funny thing is that even though it is completely unpredictable, most British people make sure they listen religiously to the weather forecast at least twice a day. Then if it's wrong, which it almost always is, they complain about how unreliable the weathermen are and then go on to discuss the current state of the weather.
i' think that this is so great.i liked very much this method, because any doubts we have, we just ask here.and classes are funniest even more than last year.sjasji.
i have a doubt...about the cards that you gave us for thursday.
Do we have to cut them all.. or..???Because i didn't hear at all
I finnaly got the booklet..ejeje..
miss..I have a doubt about the words you gave us...what shluod we do with them??? met as a group and play with thems??? cause when I'm in class everything seems fine..but my memory is horrible..and almost never works..
Well, first of all you have to cut the cards until you have a bunch of words. Keep them inside the envelope to prevent them from falling.
Next, get together as a group and develop a strategy to put the words in order as fast as you can.
There are eight sentences and each sentence ia about 10 to 12 words long.
On Thursday, we'll review that article and we're going to have a contest. The fastest group in forming the 8 "correct" sentences is going to win a special prize!!!
Any questions, feel free to post.
See you tomorrow.
I´m glad about the material that we are studing , the global warming is something about to worry and it´s always important to have some additional information.
The first test is coming I hope that the all class gets good marks.
hello miss
I like so much your class.I think global warming and changing
weather are very important issues because we need to know about what happens in our environemt.
hello**********************************The test is coming!!!! i am afraid!!!!!!! I think the first test will be something new for us!! I am very anxious ...good luck for everyone......@-@ ***********He that would have the fruit must climb the tree**************
Here many problems with Internet in my bedroom... uuhhh!!!! well, very interesting the text about weather, and contents about... see you soon and all the best!
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