Monday, June 11, 2007

Questions for the test

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Study Questions

  • What was your first impression of Nick Naylor? How did you feel after the opening scene on the talk show?
  • Did this film have a “hero”? Could that be Nick? The Captain? The Senator? The reporter? In what ways did they all fall short of truly being the “good” character in this story?
  • The film gives the impression that Nick’s influence on his son was not negative. Do you agree? Why or why not?
  • In what ways was the Senator a hypocrite?
  • Nick’s job was a lobbyist, but how would you describe what he did for a living? Was he a defender of the right to choose or a professional deceiver and liar?
  • Were you surprised that Heather, the reporter, betrayed Nick?
  • Nick justified what he did as a way to “pay the rent.” Did you think that was honest? What things would you do, or not do, to “pay the rent?”
  • Did your feelings change towards Nick by the end of the film? Did he change?
  • Were you satisfied with the ending of the film or would you have preferred a more ethically satisfying ending?

1 comment:

carlamabel said...

no se si aun revisa el blog..

tengo una gustaria saber si puede poner las notas en el sistema de la unap...

o por aka..o por un mail, alguna forma de poder verlas..

