Friday, May 11, 2007

Crime and Punishment

On Wednesday we talked about diffent crimes.

Domestic violence:
What would you do if you saw a man beating his wife?

Here you may find information about domestic violence:

Chile (Spanish)

International (English)

What would you do if you saw a person shoplifting?

Shoplifting may become an addiction:

Did you know that in some cultures adultery is considered a crime?
Adultery in the Military

Adultery in Cambodia

What would you do if you saw a man/woman cheating on his/her spouse?


Unknown said...

miss sorry if I botter you but a think that recently you have given so many homework and beleve that for us it's really complicated one at day is enough, but 3 or 4 too much

Unknown said...

I guess that is not my problem,relationships are very complicated >_< !
but if there´s violence I could do something...

see you :)

Unknown said...

today is very common the violence, so all women have to help the affected women and children...

carlamabel said...

I liked the class..the idea of talking about interesting subjects, I think if while we do that you added new words and slangs, we will be more interested and you'll make the hole class to be interested.

and, It would be nice if we do that while we're in a normal classroom its better, that way you'll get everyones attention.


Unknown said...

hi !!!!!
today`s class was very good...
aly ¸.-´¸.-♥´¨) ¸.-♥¨)
(¸.-´ (¸.-` ♥...**...♥.-´¯`-.-

carlamabel said...

miss I haven't fing out information from the guys who ussually prepare the movements, but I called the department and the secretary said there were normal clases..


Unknown said...

Hi! you all
I know that this is not a comment about this blog, but, I miss everything and did' have time to say good bye to you. so i'm a little sad, because of it. But Ì will rturn the next semester or next year.
the best wishes.

Unknown said...

when is the extensive quiz?
have a nice weekend :)